A Note from Molly..

Welcome to the mind of Molly Lemton.

"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter"

~ James Earl Jones ~

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Tear that Stains..

The room is still, quiet, nothing at all stirs.

Outside the creaking floor boards can be heard in the stillness relaxing after a hard days work supporting those that thread on them.

The birds can be heard whimpering, their tunes now gone to that place called "memory".

All is still and quiet, the perfect time for those images to explode as they do into the now calm space.

Dreams shattered.  Happiness torn away.  The shared smiles gone.  Each moment that led to this is analysed over and over.  Eyes are rubbed gently, fingers massage the sockets almost trying to relieve the pressure now being felt and then without notice or invite it comes.

Making it's way down, slowly, soaking into the skin as it meanders down stopping at the corner of the lip and its salty taste then causes a jerking back to reality.
The head turns from side to side as if looking for the answer, the cure, the solution but all that is retrieved is a tissue to blow the nose which is now stifling thanks to the arrival of the tears.

One after another they quietly make their way down the face, drenching the skin and causing a loss of breath intermittently.  After a while the tears slow and stop.  Calm is restored.

The head then rests exhausted from the tension, hurt and loss felt.  The heart feels heavy, low and sad.

A body aches to be held, hugged.  A face stained with tears, the scars of hurt etched in tired eyes, a downtrodden gaze.
Eyes close, breath is inhaled softly but deeply and a body yearns to once again escape to dream.

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